How long should you wait between chiropractic visits?

To achieve maximum benefits, most types of injuries and pains will need between four and twelve sessions. Ongoing maintenance is used to prevent pain from returning and to prevent additional injuries from forming due to misalignment of the spine. The general rule of thumb with chiropractic treatment is to spend 1 to 4 weeks of treatment at 2-3 visits per week and then determine how the condition responds. It is recommended that once improvements begin to be seen in patients, the frequency of treatment should decrease.

It is estimated that 60% of patients feel relief after their first visit, while 30% of patients make two or three trips to feel relieved. Talk to your chiropractor for guidelines. You may be asked to take a couple of hours off before exercising, or they may suggest that you wait a day or two. It really depends on your history, your physical condition, and the type of treatment you receive.

Regardless of the specific injuries, those who enter a chiropractor's office are looking for a natural way to live a pain-free life. If you experience poor range of motion, chiropractic adjustment can help by realigning bones and joints to ensure they are working at an optimal level. Each person responds differently to chiropractic treatment and the chiropractic plan and time frame depend primarily on the patient's age, level of physical condition, duration of pain, type of injury, and level of discomfort. This is where your chiropractor will begin to discover what's wrong and develop a treatment plan that's right for you.

Ask your chiropractor if they have exercises in mind or any resources you can follow, especially if your goal is to heal an injury or reduce pain in a certain period of time. You can schedule a consultation with Oviedo Chiropractic today to start working on your treatment plan. Similarly, chiropractors cannot treat joint or spinal pain caused by certain underlying conditions. By making chiropractor visits part of your regular routine, you could reduce your chances of re-injury.

If the chiropractor starts talking about ongoing ongoing treatment when symptoms have resolved, this is a potential red flag that the chiropractor may have the wrong reasons. Similarly, if you've been postponing chiropractic care because you've been feeling better after a few sessions, it's important to take time to visit your chiropractor before the pain starts to return. While a chiropractor is an important part of your healthcare team, there are situations that aren't for chiropractic care. The most common reason pain returns is because a patient stopped receiving chiropractic care or stopped receiving care recommended by the doctor performing at home (i.e., during your first trip to the chiropractor, your chiropractor will get an extensive history of your condition.

In addition to additional sessions being needed for maintenance, one of the main reasons people often need several sessions in advance is that they don't seek chiropractic care until they have symptoms, which means they already have pain. Your chiropractor may be able to offer advice on steps you can take at home to try to prevent aches and pains from returning. If you've been hesitant to start chiropractic care because you or someone you know complained that a chiropractic adjustment had been made, felt better, and then relapsed into feeling pain, now is the time to try again and do it the right way.

Oliver Thompson
Oliver Thompson

Infuriatingly humble web specialist. Certified bacon trailblazer. Devoted coffee advocate. General pop culture enthusiast. Wannabe tea expert. Devoted tv junkie.

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