Editors Picks

Why should you see a chiropractor after a car accident?

Chiropractic Care for Other Car Accident Injuries Through gentle adjustments of the spine and chiropractic treatments of...

How long is therapy for whiplash?

How long is therapy for whiplash?

After two weeks of physical therapy for whiplash, the body will begin to heal. You'll continue to use many of the...

What is chiropractic care good for?

What is chiropractic care good for?

It reduces pain and improves the range of motion of the spine and other joints. It reduces the symptoms of chronic...

Can a chiropractor make an injury worse?

Can a chiropractor make an injury worse?

Lower Spinal Nerve Compression. Certain type of stroke after neck manipulation.

Can you go to the chiropractor twice in one week?

Can you go to the chiropractor twice in one week?

The frequency of chiropractic adjustment after surgery will be based on your personal progress and healing. You can...

How long should you wait between chiropractic visits?

How long should you wait between chiropractic visits?

To achieve maximum benefits, most types of injuries and pains will need between four and twelve sessions. Ongoing...